Comforting Pea & Ham Soup


Pea and Ham Soup is a hearty and comforting soup that is a classic favourite in many households. The combination of tender, savoury ham hock and earthy green split peas creates a deeply satisfying umami flavour that is hard to resist.

The soup has a smooth, creamy texture with a slightly chunky consistency from the split peas, and is finished with a subtle sweetness from the carrots and onions. The soup is typically seasoned with salt and pepper to taste, which adds a gentle spice and enhances the overall flavour profile.

Adding chilli or mint to Pea and Ham Soup can enhance its already delicious flavour profile, while also providing a unique sensation of heat or cooling on the tongue. This can be especially helpful for anyone undergoing chemotherapy or cancer treatment, as these treatments can often affect the ability to taste and enjoy food.

While Pea & Ham Soup is traditionally served hot, it can also be enjoyed cold, especially during the warmer months of the year.

One of the reasons why chilled Pea & Ham soup is enjoyable is that it is refreshing and light. The soup is usually blended to a smooth and silky consistency, which gives it a creamy texture that is both satisfying and cooling. The flavours of the sweet peas and salty ham hock are still present in the chilled version of the soup, but they are more subdued and subtle. This can make it ideal when experiencing metallic taste, otherwise known as chemo mouth.

Pea & Ham Soup is also a great way to get in your daily serving of vegetables. Peas are packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate, while ham hock is a good source of protein and iron.

Overall, Pea and Ham Soup is a delicious and nourishing meal that is perfect for warming up on a chilly day or as a comforting dish to enjoy year-round.


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